The deadline for paying bills was extended by ten days by the Government.

Electricity customers will only benefit from the one-month delay for bills for July.

  • Extension of the deadline was mandated by the Power Division to all DISCOs.
  • An extra month will help customers with July expenses.
  • It is Nepra's opinion that overbilling occurs at every disco.

ISLAMABAD: In an effort to help the populace, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has ordered an extension of the deadline for paying power bills by ten days.

 The News reports that the Power Division ordered all power distribution firms, including K Electric, to implement the extension of bills for July and August 2024 after the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Power to provide the extension.

The Prime Minister's orders, according to a statement from the Power Division, are a response to the challenges faced by electricity users who are under pressure to pay high electricity bills.

Electricity customers will benefit from the one-month extension on their July payments. instance, if the July bill was originally due on August 7, it is now due on August 17. August bills, which were formerly due on September 17, will also be extended.

The number of months that pass between deadlines. In the meantime, the report on overbilling issues for the April to June 2024 period has been compiled by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA). According to the investigation, overbilling was discovered to be a technique employed by all distribution businesses, including K Electric. Nepra has contacted these businesses to inquire about the problem.

Based on the study, Nepra decided to give distribution businesses, including K Electric, directions. The regulatory body has mandated that customers who were billed based on readings that were less than the actual units documented between April and June of 2024 would receive an appropriate adjustment.

 Customers who were billed based on inaccurate readings and have not paid will not be assessed Late Payment Surcharges(LPS). Nepra stated that adjustments will also be made for those who have already paid with LPS. To avoid typical billing issues, Nepra has mandated the prompt replacement of malfunctioning meters.

For the purpose of avoiding typical billing issues, Nepra has ordered the prompt replacement of defective meters.

 Furthermore, for the purpose of reading meters, all distribution companies—including K-Electric—must adhere to the Consumer Services Manual (CSM).

You have thirty days to submit a compliance report on these rules. Of note, in July and August of 2023 of the previous year, Discos and KE employed overbilling.

The tariff status of some clients was changed from secured to unsecured over these two months due to billing issues.

 For equitable billing methods, Nepra had instructed these businesses to bill customers according to actual readings rather than high or average bills.